What We Do
Humanize the Hate was founded in 2023 to fight back against the increasing polarization of Americans in the modern age. We see the partition of our country as a leading threat to our democracy and future, and through your participation and open mind, we hope to bridge gaps, teach empathy, and foster intentionally difficult dialogue.
Our Mission
Connecting people through their commonalities is at the core of our program. So much of our lives is dedicated to hate and division; if only we could see past what sets us apart and see into what brings up together, we may find ourselves in a new age. Our mission is to bring people together. Humanize the Hate aims to bring people with opposing views together, create empathy, and engage in difficult dialogue. When you have a conversation guided by our monthly question you should enter with an open mind, expect to have your opinions challenged and changed, but most importantly, you should walk away with strengthened bonds and relationships, regardless of your opposing views. We foster difficult discourse. Challenge your assumptions, open your mind; join the movement.
OUr MEthod
We pose intentionally polarized questions to groups for discussion. Jumping straight into disagreement and argument is easy, however finding common ground and building empathy with someone your engaging in difficult dialogue with is not so easy. Before discussing the question, we ask our participants to do the following: Find a partner, take a piece of paper and write 5 ‘polarizing’ beliefs you may have about the topic at hand, solve a logic problem like a crossword or the wordle with someone involved in the discussion, discuss your interests and important aspects of who you are, reveal the 5 beliefs you put on your paper to one another, begin the discussion of the question of the month!
The purpose of our method is for participants to understand through action that despite someone having completely opposite views and belefis as you, you are still able to work together to solve problems, find common ground with one another, and have lighthearted and friendly repour. Our differences should not define our relationships, and engaging in this method reinforces that beleif.